Back Exercises For Pain Relief and Flexibility

Back Exercises For Pain Relief and Flexibility

The human vertebral column also known as the backbone or spine is comprised of 24 articulating vertebrae along with 9 fused vertebrae.  All of these are surrounded or separated by various muscles, tissues, discs and processes. So it is easy to understand why there are so many opportunities for pain along the entire length of your back. Many people suffer for years with chronic back pain and even resort to surgery to alleviate it.

Back exercises and back stretching however, offer sustained relief for chronic pain without expensive surgeries or addictive medications. Exercises to help flexibility are also an optimal way to manage chronic back pain. The spinal column with its contiguous muscles, ligaments, and tendons, while complex, is designed for movement and mobility. Too much sitting, lying down, or standing can compromise agility and range of motion, resulting in continuous pain.

Back exercises and back stretching should be free of discomfort, so it is important not to force your body into difficult or potentially painful positions. It is important to start slowly and avoid sudden, abrupt movements or bouncing, all of which may result in muscle tears or other types of damage. The length of time in which stretches are held should be about 20 – 30 seconds to allow for maximum loosening up of muscles and joints. Because our bodies are so integrative, it is essential to address every area to achieve full relief.

Frequently a stiff and painful back goes hand-in-hand with a stiff and painful neck. Utilizing a Flexion Stretch, that is a chin to chest exercise, will offer some neck pain relief which should result in back pain relief as well. While standing or sitting, gently bend your head forward and bring your chin down toward your chest until you feel gentle stretching in the back of your neck.  Several repetitions, perhaps 5 – 10 times done daily should help to alleviate your pain.

Lateral Flexion exercises, that is ear to shoulder movement, may also be beneficial. This type of exercise stretches the neck area below the ears as well as at the top of the shoulder area. By gently bending your neck to one side in a movement that stimulates touching the ear to the shoulder until you feel a gentle stretching along the side of the neck. Repeat as with the Flexion Stretch. You may also incorporate a Flexion Back exercise by lying on your back and pulling both knees up to your chest while simultaneously bending your head forward until a gentle stretch is felt while you are in that balled up position. Performing daily back exercises is a key to natural pain relief.

2014-07-21T06:42:25+00:00 July 21st, 2014|Benefits of FST, Interesting Reading|